SeRBER Videos Media network security web scrappers software defined network cybersecurity Videos Marc Dacier delivered a talk at the DSRC Seminar organized online by the Technology Innovation Institute TII in Abu Dhabi, UAE. Elisa Chiapponi presented a teaser of her paper " An industrial perspective on web scrapers' characteristics and open issues" published at the IEEE/IFIP DSN 2022 Industry Track. Marc Dacier discussed SDN's security challenges, debated strategies to monitor and protect SDN-enabled networks, and proposed methods and strategies to leverage SDN's flexibility for designing new security mechanisms. Marc Dacier explained what network security is and how it operates
SeRBER Ongoing Projects Research fingerprinting web scrappers geolocalisation Fingerprinting HTTP smuggling People involved Khalid Hakami (project lead) Ilies Benhabbour The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is the foundation of the World Wide Web, and is used to load webpages and other resources using hypertext links. When clicking on a link, the user’s communicates with a backend server to ask for a webpage. The user expects to be connecting directly to the server delivering the page but, more often than not, its HTTP request is handled first by some sort of proxy machine, either for caching, load balancing or security reasons. This is an application layer proxy
Security Research Bearing Experimental Results Research Group Front Page Security Research Bearing Experimental Results Welcome to Professor Marc Dacier's research group Security Research Bearing Experimental Results The activities of the group are mostly centered around network security problematics and, as the name of the group implies, the emphasis is put on the experimental validation of the novel solutions derived from our research. Several axes of research are explored in various projects, but they all have in common to start from a real-world problem that needs to be solved thanks to novel and concrete solutions. Among the topics studied by members of the