SeRBER Videos
Marc Dacier delivered a talk at the DSRC Seminar organized online by the Technology Innovation Institute TII in Abu Dhabi, UAE.
Elisa Chiapponi presented a teaser of her paper "An industrial perspective on web scrapers' characteristics and open issues" published at the IEEE/IFIP DSN 2022 Industry Track.
Marc Dacier discussed SDN's security challenges, debated strategies to monitor and protect SDN-enabled networks, and proposed methods and strategies to leverage SDN's flexibility for designing new security mechanisms.
Marc Dacier explained what network security is and how it operates and gave insights into the techniques used to create more secure computing systems.
Projects Videos
Students Rana Alahmadi and Salman Shaikh, presented a trailer of their project, Attacking Runway Lights, which took place at the CHASE (City Hack and Safe Environment), as part of the CS394X course.
Students Ilies Benhabbour and Krishnan Iyer, presented a trailer of their project, The Vault, which took place at the CHASE (City Hack and Safe Environment), as part of the CS394X course.
Li Zhou presented a trailer of his project, Smart City and Railroad, which took place at the CHASE (City Hack and Safe Environment), as part of the CS394X course.
Attacking Runway Lights by Rana Alahmadi and Salman Shaikh.
The Vault by Ilies Benhabbour and Krishnan Iyer.
Smart City and Railroad by Li Zhou.
Previous videos for Professor Marc Dacier while holding other positions
Marc Dacier presented the main keynote of the 41st IEEE LCN conference in Dubai 2016.
Marc Dacier was interviewed at the International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust PST2013 in Spain 2013.